Introduction to the Beast Mastery Hunter
Beast Mastery is the only ranged specialization in WoW that can do 100% of its damage while moving, and they do very well at soloing because their pet acts as a personal tank. Despite being ranged, most of their damage comes from their pets, which have to be in melee range of the target. A large portion of this pet damage is controlled by the Hunter rather than happening automatically.
Beast Mastery Hunters are the only Hunter specialization that can tame Exotic beasts, which have at least two special abilities or passives instead of the one that regular pets have.
Below you will find a beginners guide to the Beast Mastery Hunter, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Beast Mastery Hunter
- Strongest single-target and AoE damage
- Full mobility
- Great at soloing
- Dependence on pet AI can be annoying
- Will rarely be topping the meters over other ranged classes and specs when all other things are equal (except for high movement fights)
Rotation of the Beast Mastery Hunter
The basic rotation of the Beast Mastery Hunter is as follows:
- Cast Barbed Shot when the Frenzy buff on your pet is about to expire or when you are close to 2 charges of Barbed Shot, refreshing Frenzy as late as possible without dropping it
- Cast Bestial Wrath on cooldown
- Use Aspect of the Wild on cooldown
- Cast Kill Command on cooldown
- Cast Barbed Shot when it has over ~1.5 charges
- Use Cobra Shot when you have a lot of Focus to burn, and when Kill Command is not coming off cooldown within 2.5 seconds
- Cast Barbed Shot as a filler if it will reach 2 charges before your Frenzy buff expires
Bestial Wrath is the main offensive cooldown for Beast Mastery. It increases all damage done by you and your pet by 25% for 15 seconds on a 1.5-minute base cooldown.
Aspect of the Wild increases your critical strike chance by 10%, and your Focus regeneration by 5 Focus per second for 20 seconds.
Stat Priority
The stat priority for the Beast Mastery Hunter is:
- Critical Strike
- Haste = Versatility
- Mastery
Pro Healer (If I’m tabbed in), otherwise a total Moob