Introduction to the Marksmanship Hunter
A Marksman has embraced the class fantasy of the ranger, drawing inspiration from the likes of the Windrunner sisters, Sylvanas, Alleria and Vereesa. Marks Hunters fire a flurry of shots on the move, then stop to take Careful Aim for precise heavy hitting shots. Players can customize their Marksman Hunters to fulfill several variations of the fantasy: they’re the only Hunter spec that can function with or without a pet; and they have several choices which can convert the spec to either a carefully planned out long-range sniper play-style, or a quick moving spray-and-pray play-style.
Below you will find a beginners guide to the Marksmanship Hunter, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Marksmanship Hunter
- High burst-damage.
- Very strongly tied to ability cooldowns which can make it inflexible in very short-term burst situations.
- Has weaknesses in 2 target cleave scenarios and mass AoE (6+ targets), as Aimed Shot is restricted to 3-6 targets.
Rotation of the Marksmanship Hunter
The basic rotation of the Marksmanship Hunter is as follows:
- Use Rapid Fire on cooldown.
- Use Aimed Shot on cooldown, but make sure that you have spent all of your Precise Shots charges on Arcane Shot before casting it.
- Shoot Arcane Shot to spend Precise Shots stacks, and to prevent yourself from capping on Focus.
- Use Steady Shot when you have nothing else to do.
- Make sure to apply Hunter’s Mark before the pull, if you are using this talent
- Start casting Aimed Shot roughly 2 seconds before the fight begins
- Shoot Multi-Shot to activate Trick Shots
- Cast Rapid Fire
- Cast Trueshot
Trueshot is your primary and only offensive cooldown. It reduces the cooldown of Aimed Shot and Rapid Fire by 60%, and reduces the cast time of Aimed Shot by 50%
Stat Priority
The stat priority for the Marksmanship Hunter is
- Mastery
- Haste
- Versatility
- Critical Strike
Pro Healer (If I’m tabbed in), otherwise a total Moob