Introduction to the Discipline Priest
A strong believer in the light – almost zealous in their belief, causing them to feel no remorse about damaging enemies of the light. A Discipline priest is a battle healer, smiting down their enemies in order to bravely save their allies. They have adopted the traits of both healing and shadow priests in order to make sure their allies stay alive. The main thing that makes Disc Priests truly special is Atonement.
Balancing healing and dealing damage can be difficult to master at first but through research and practice, Discipline can be one of the more rewarding specialisations to play.
Below you will find a beginners guide to the Discipline Priest, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Discipline Priest
- High burst healing on a short cooldown.
- Strong cooldowns that increase the effective health of your group (through absorbs or damage reduction).
- Strong at sustained spot healing in a raid setting.
- High burst healing on a short cooldown.
- Strong cooldowns that increase the effective health of your group (through absorbs or damage reduction).
- Strong at sustained spot healing in a raid setting.
Rotation of the Discipline Priest
The basic rotation of the Discipline Priest is as follows:
- Maintain Purge the Wicked on the target
- Use Schism as needed to provide a damage increase
- Use Power Word: Solace on cooldown
- Cast Penance on cooldown
- Use Smite as a filler
- Apply Atonement by casting Power Word: Radiance, Power Word: Shield, or Shadow Mend
Healing Cooldowns
- Rapture is an ability with a 1.5-minute cooldown that increases the absorbs of your Power Word: Shield by 200% for 10 seconds.
- Pain Suppression reduces the damage the target takes by 40% for 8 seconds, with a 3-minute cooldown
- Power Word: Barrier places a barrier at the targeted location for 10 seconds, which reduces all damage taken by allies located inside it by 25%
- Shadowfiend is a healing cooldown (summoning a shadowy fiend that attacks your target for 15 seconds), with a 3-minute cooldown
Stat Priority
The stat priority for the Discipline Priest is:
- Haste
- Critical Strike
- Versatility
- Mastery
Pro Healer (If I’m tabbed in), otherwise a total Moob