Introduction to the Protection Paladin

A classic holy warrior who combines light magic and a shield to defend themselves and allies. A Prot Paladin excels at timing their defenses precisely, weaving in intricate rotation of spells to protect themselves and allies. rot Paladin resources are unique in that while they have mana, it isn’t important for their primary spells

Below you will find a beginners guide to the Blood Death Knight, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Protection Paladin



  • Proactive mitigation model, easy to die to unforeseen damage
  • Limited Active mitigation uptime
  • Squishy outside of Active mitigation


15Holy Shield Holy ShieldRedoubt RedoubtBlessed Hammer Blessed Hammer
30First Avenger First AvengerCrusader's Judgment Crusader’s JudgmentBastion of Light Bastion of Light
45Fist of Justice Fist of JusticeRepentance RepentanceBlinding Light Blinding Light
60Retribution Aura Retribution AuraCavalier CavalierBlessing of Spellwarding Blessing of Spellwarding
75Unbreakable Spirit Unbreakable SpiritFinal Stand Final StandHand of the Protector Hand of the Protector
90Judgment of Light Judgment of LightConsecrated Ground Consecrated GroundAegis of Light Aegis of Light
100Last Defender Last DefenderRighteous Protector Righteous ProtectorSeraphim Seraphim

Rotation of the Protection Paladin

The basic rotation of the Protection Paladin is as follows:

You can use the recommended Addon ConRo for help with your rotation, it can be found in our Addons Guide here

Survival Cooldowns

  • Ardent Defender Icon Ardent Defender is another powerful defensive ability, with a 2-minute cooldown and an 8-second duration
  • Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath increases both damage done and healing done by 20%, as well as gives your Paladin abilities 20% increased critical strike chance
  • Lay on Hands Icon Lay on Hands is essentially a massive heal with a very long cooldown

Stat Priority

The stat priority for the Protection Paladin is:

  1. Haste
  2. Mastery
  3. Versatility
  4. Critical Strike