Introduction to the Fire Mage

The Fire specialisation is brilliant at delivering both burst and sustained damage on a variety of fight types. Fire cleaves efficiently on stacked targets. Fire really shines on fights where a multitude of stacked targets all have equal or high priority.

Like all Mage specialisations, Fire has high mobility and is fantastic at doing encounter specific jobs and baiting mechanics. Overall, Fire is performing very well in a lot of situations, which makes it a great choice to play in all content.

Below you will find a beginners guide to the Fire Mage, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Fire Mage


  • Outstanding cleave damage without giving up any single target damage
  • Great burst DPS, making it great at nuking down high priority adds quickly
  • Loses very little DPS from movement


  • No spread cleave or multidot capability
  • Cleave is automatic, making damage stops on stacked targets practically impossible without stopping dps.


15Firestarter FirestarterPyromaniac PyromaniacSearing Touch Searing Touch
30Blazing Soul Blazing SoulShimmer ShimmerBlast Wave Blast Wave
45Incanter's Flow Incanter’s FlowMirror Image Mirror ImageRune of Power Rune of Power
60Flame On Flame OnAlexstrasza's Fury Alexstrasza’s FuryPhoenix Flames Phoenix Flames
75Frenetic Speed Frenetic SpeedIce Ward Ice WardRing of Frost Ring of Frost
90Flame Patch Flame PatchConflagration ConflagrationLiving Bomb Living Bomb
100Kindling KindlingPyroclasm PyroclasmMeteor Meteor

Rotation of the Fire Mage

The basic rotation for the Fire Mage is as follows:

  • Use Scorch Icon Scorch if you have to move and have no instant casts to burn

You can use the recommended Addon ConRo for help with your rotation, it can be found in our Addons Guide here


  • Combustion IconCombustion is a DPS cooldown. It lasts 10 seconds, and increases your Mastery
  • Time Warp IconTime Warp increases Haste by 30% for 40 seconds for all party and raid members. 

Stat Priority

The stat priority for Fire Mage is:

  1. Haste
  2. Versatility
  3. Mastery
  4. Critical Strike
  5. Intellect