Introduction to the Restoration Shaman
Calling upon the healing properties of water, Resto Shamans use not only the soothing, calming nature of water to heal their allies but also powerful totems that are iconic to the class. Restoration Shaman is an extremely flexible specialization that shines when healing groups of players that are clumped together. Restoration Shamans are one of the few healers that can area of effect heal continuously when dangerous unexpected damage happens.
Below you will find a beginners guide to the Restoration Shaman, you can click on highlighted abilities, for a more in depth description of them.
Be sure to check out our guide on which healer should you pick here
Strengths and Weaknesses of the Restoration Shaman
- Excels at burst healing and sustained stacked group healing
- Can often cast while moving, using Spiritwalker’s Grace
- Mediocre sustained targeted healing and no tank cooldowns
- Low group healing in situations that force a large spread
- Mediocre mobility, most of a Restoration Shaman’s healing comes from spells with high casting times
Rotation of the Restoration Shaman
The basic rotation of the Restoration Shaman is as follows:
- Use your short (1 minute or less) cooldown spells first — as long as they will not heavily overheal — and prioritize using the shorter cooldowns first, in order to maximize the amount of casts you can get of them in a given encounter.
- 6-second cooldown — Riptide
- 10-second cooldown — Healing Rain
- 15-second cooldown — Unleash Life
- 30-second cooldown — Cloudburst Totem
- 60-second cooldown — Earthen Wall Totem
- When a cooldown spell is not available, use the best non-cooldown spell for the situation. This means Healing Wave for non-emergency single-target healing and Healing Surge for emergency single-target healing. When multi-target healing, use Chain Heal unless you already have two charges of Tidal Waves
You can use the recommended Addon ConRo for help with your rotation, it can be found in our Addons Guide here
Healing Cooldowns
Bloodlust and Heroism allow your group to dish out increased damage / healing for a long duration, which is of critical importance to beating soft and hard enrages on raid bosses and succesfully dealing with Mythic keystone dungeons / PvP situations.
Spirit Link Totem represents one of the most unique and flexible cooldowns within the World of Warcraft. Every second, the health of the group inside the totem’s area of effect is redistributed, so all targets have an equal percentage of maximum health. It also grants 10% damage reduction to players inside its area of effect.
Healing Tide Totem is your main throughput cooldown. This totem is placed beneath you and pulses periodically, healing all members within 40 yards for 10 seconds. Healing Tide Totem is mainly used to counteract very high incoming group damage periods.
Stat Priority
The stat priority for the Restoration Shaman is
- Intellect
- Critical Strike
- Versatility
- Haste = Mastery
Pro Healer (If I’m tabbed in), otherwise a total Moob